
Information Privacy Policy

Bisho Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) recognizes that personal information is an important asset in today’s advanced information and communication society and understands that ensuring the safety of personal information is a corporate responsibility. We declare that we will strive to protect personal information by handling it appropriately based on the following policies.

Acquisition of Personal Information

Our company will acquire personal information through legal and fair means.

Use of Personal Information

Personal information acquired by our company will be used within the scope of the purposes indicated at the time of acquisition or within a scope that is reasonably related to such purposes and to the extent necessary for the execution of business.
In cases where the handling of personal information is entrusted to a third party, our company will supervise the joint users and third parties to ensure the appropriate use of personal information.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Our company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual, except as required by law.

Management of Personal Information

Our company will maintain the accuracy and currency of personal information, manage it safely, and implement necessary and appropriate information security measures to prevent loss, alteration, and leakage of personal information.

Handling of Cookies, etc.

Our company uses cookies to collect certain information for the analysis of access and usage conditions of our website and services (hereinafter collectively referred to as “websites”), for advertisement distribution, and to improve the convenience of the websites.

Overview of Cookies

Cookies are a function that stores information about the customer’s website browsing on the customer’s computer (PC, smartphone, tablet, etc. with internet access). The next time you access the same page, the page operator can change the display for each user using the cookie information. If the user permits the sending and receiving of cookies in their browser settings, the website can obtain cookies from the user’s browser.

Purpose of Cookies

Our site uses cookies for protecting users’ privacy, enhancing convenience, distributing advertisements, and collecting statistical data, utilizing services like Google Analytics.

There are two types of cookies: those set by our website’s domain (first-party cookies, such as Google Analytics cookies) and those set by third parties with whom our company partners (third-party cookies, such as DoubleClick cookies). We use a combination of first-party and third-party cookies to analyze users’ age group, gender, interests, and concerns.

Additionally, our site may use cookies and technologies like JavaScript to collect non-personally identifiable attribute information (e.g., age, gender, occupation, residential area) and user behavior history on the site (e.g., accessed URLs, viewed content, order of reference) at the time of form submission, etc. This information does not include personal information and cannot be used to identify individuals.

Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information

Our company acknowledges that individuals have the right to request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and deletion of their personal information. When such requests are made, our company will promptly respond after following the prescribed procedures without objection.

Deletion of Cookies

Users can choose to “allow” or “reject” the use of cookies. The setting method differs depending on the browser used, so please check the “Help” menu of your browser for details. Please note that if you select a setting to reject cookies, there may be restrictions on the use of various services on the internet. If you wish to refuse the use of cookies by Google Analytics, you can do so through the “Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on” provided by Google.

If you have any opinions or questions regarding our company’s handling of personal information, please contact our personal information consultation desk.

Contact Information for Inquiries Regarding the Personal Information Protection Policy and Handling of Personal Information
  • Contact: Personal Information Inquiry Desk
  • Phone: +81 86 263 1191 (Weekdays [Monday to Friday] 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)

Organization and Structure

Our company will implement appropriate management of personal information used in business and establish a structure to ensure the proper handling of personal information in business.

Formulation, Implementation, Maintenance, and Improvement of Personal Information Protection Regulations

To implement this policy, our company will formulate personal information protection regulations, thoroughly disseminate them internally through training and education, and continuously improve them to maintain the best possible state at all times.

Enactment Date: April 1, 2017
Last Revised Date: April 1, 2017

Bisho Co., Ltd.Mr. Masashi Ueno